Mama Hellion #77

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 5 ft

Favorite position: All of them

Significance of name/#: I was an existing member of the early versions of the team and was the first to become pregnant and became one of the early coaches.

Likes: Puzzles-Plants-Fungi-Meeting new people and going to new places.

Dislikes: Rain on snow. Rocks in my wheels. Mean people.

Occupation: Botanist

Favorite after party beverage: Cider

Major injuries: My ego

Your first day in roller derby: 2010

Bio: I loved to skate when I was a child and was so happy to do it again as an adult. It was fun to be involved with the beginning of this team and love seeing how it’s grown. Family, life and work was my focus for years but happy to return once again 12 years later. Derby family is the best.