Phoenix Fury #303

Pronouns: She, her

Height: 5’9

Favorite Position: I’m not sure yet. I’ve mostly blocked, but the one time I was Jammer was a lot of fun too.

Significance of name/#: The symbolism of the Phoenix is so true for all of us. We go through life constantly growing and evolving, and eventually a version of you dies and a new one is born to start a new learning process and the cycle continues. I never want to stop learning and growing. Fury is just a synonym for the passion I have for what ever I'm doing.

Likes: Hiking, reading, family, plants, fur babies

Dislikes: Dishonesty, apathy, when people talk over other people

Hometown: North Bend, WA

Occupation: Manager of CWU Dining Services

Favorite after party beverage: Old Fashioned

Major Injuries: A pretty gnarly sprained ankle, and a brutalized knee from a hiking injury. And an overextended ligament in my shoulder from rough housing with my brother when I was in middle school. I thankfully consider all of those minor.

First day in roller derby: 02-09-2025

Bio: I haven't been apart of anything bigger than myself/my family for a really long time. I'm new to Eburg and left a job that consumed 90% of my life for the last 8 years. Finding awesome, caring people to play an amazing, fun sport with and becoming apart of something that isn't work or family makes me feel like I'm finally doing it right... I can't wait to grow with the league <3